I don’t care about most things in life but someone cared enough to both think that I am capable of writing and also care enough about this problem.

Being from India, I am both used to spitting and also the disrespect associated with spitting. I mean I don’t need to be from an Asian country to think and write that spitting wherever the hell you want is just plain disrespectful. But guess what if my Asian stereotype will support the case of me writing about it, then why not.

Seattle thinks spitting gum is so cool that they have a gum wall in Pike Place Market ( fortunately or unfortunately my neighborhood). I think it is a wall of shame. Imagine if I invade your personal space where you walk and spit gum there, how would you feel? May be you don’t care unless your feet gets stuck on it.

Little story time here – when I was a kid a relative of mine came to visit my grandma and one of her not so cool grandkids (definitely not me) had spit gum by the doorway and her this naive relative of mine, her footwear got stuck to the stuck gum. The whole family thinks it is cool to just reminisce about how she struggled to get her foot off the stuck gum. Because supposedly it was so funny hahaha except I don’t think it was.

Clearly something is wrong with people if they think this kind of destruction is okay and perhaps funny too. I am wondering which fundamental human flaw makes this cool. I guess I need more psychology degrees to understand that perhaps our standards as humans have fallen and keep continuing to fall.