Category: Feminism

Who is She?

She gave me her blood. She gave me her skin. She gave me food. She gave me water. She gave me a home even before I was born. She brought me into this world while almost dying herself. She listened to my childish non-stop chatter and answered by non-stop questions. She raised me to be…

Feminism and Female Chauvinism

               There is a fine line of difference between feminism and female chauvinism. Feminism is what suffragists basically work for – parity of genders, equality between men and women i.e.  equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for men and women. Meanwhile female chauvinism is very similar to…

The greatest enemy of a woman is another woman!

There is a saying in Tamil which when translated goes like this – “A woman’s enemy is another woman”. So very true…I was watching the usual talk show Neeya Naana the other day. The debate was between feminists and women against feminism. It was a pretty hot debate with women on both sides screaming. Surprisingly…